Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Picking up

After setting this up, and taking a year off; I find my self back to picking up.

Earlier, I mentioned my desire to be a professional mountain biker. In reality that dream may never happen; I mean to the extent of being paid to ride my bike in cool places around the world. Here in the U.S. of A. that simply is not the desire for most people, or for businesses to spread the word of their product. It should be...because cycling offers people much more than football or baseball ever can.

For example, the opportunity to regain control from our dependence on oil, cars, and other consumptions. By reading this I am either passionate about cycling... or a fanatic against oil and cars.

I won't lie, I bought a Subaru less than a month ago and I LOVE it! Much better than my wretched Chevy Tahoe.

Any how, picking up where I last left off on being a pro cyclist. It is the ultimate dream job. So I am again planning my season to start this journey. However, it will be a test against my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual strength. Mainly, because I have to deal with school and work.

My job entails being a college graduate student and TA. Being a TA is easy, it's being the grad student that bites at times, because on days I want to go ride; I find myself sitting and reading. However, once done the sacrifices will be worth it, and will help me to become a better man in the future.

My season revolves around the High Cascade 100. It is a 100 mile mountain bike race; yeah 100 miles. While that may seem far; to me it is just a number. I'll get more into detail about prep and the usual later. Earlier, I said that becoming pro would be wicked sick, but in all reality that means very little. What this journey is meant to do, is to help me figure out the balance between forces of nature and forces of nurture.

Through out the time, I will talk about the everyday ramblings that it takes to survive grad school, and attempt to live a dream.

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