Saturday, January 2, 2010

Good science means good documentation

First off I can't believe I am doing this. First I made facebook a reality, second I started on Twitter, and third I am now starting a blog to document all that happens or well most of what happens in my journey to be a professional moutain biker.

Now to go ahead and clarify something, professional moutain bikers make no real money, in fact we do it because we love the sport and it is what we know how to do. I started out riding bikes about two years ago and have just moved up and up in the past years. I started racing bikes shortly after beginning because I like to ride hard. So I got some good results and kept moving up and up.

Well now after graduating with and undergrad degree in Excercise Sport Science I will start my work for my Graduate degree in Physical Education and Sport, and well here is a great oppertunity to use some of the ideas to work into my training.

The idea that I am big on is the idea of Primal Fitness, and it is what my Graduate Thesis will be based upon and how it affects a students pyschomotor ability.

But anyway I am done now and will try to keep this updated with my training on becoming a professional mountain biker. Now I want to make it clear, I like mountain biking way way way more that I do road cycling.

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