Sunday, January 16, 2011

Thesis talk

Trying to kill some time before today's cross practice at 2pm; really should be doing something school related. I guess talking about it will have to do.

My thesis/research project revolves around the Health-Related physical fitness model, which basically provides a frame work for PE teachers to design lessons to educate students on physical fitness. However, the major problem is there are no specific curricula, and this causes teachers with little or no training to design their own.

Here in Texas, those teachers just choose to do nothing and have their students walk around and play team sport tournaments. And, my project centers on developing a specific curriculum that follows the HRPF model that teachers can use to help prime students for their fitness testing.

The focus of the curricula follows primal pattern movements (Chek, 2000), and laws of primal fitness (Sisson, 2009). From both of these sources, a theory was developed that students could significantly improve quality of life and fitness through these principles.

As of now, I am still in the design process. Come fall 2011, it will be time to implement and collect the data. I hope it works!

For more info on primal pattern movements and laws check and

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