Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lazy (busy ass) Sunday

Sitting here at my local market with my notebook, I came with the intention of cranking out a bit of work. Well that happened. Score is Cheese 1 and Laziness 0!

Todays work was just more grad school nonsense, and includes finding references that support the reason for decline of physical fitness teachings post WWII and through the 1990's. Also cranking out explicit description on the procedures for my project, which literally is a step-by-step direction as to how to do something. Sometimes I wish researchers could just go with the flow, but that won't happen anytime soon.

Oh well it's just another "thank you sir, may I have another!"

The original plan was to make the drive to my mountain biking mecca (Palo Duro Canyon), but plans changed at 1 am when I decided to start reading my 44 page research article! Thanks Doctor Dave for that shit. Well I could only read about 10 pages and called it a night. So instead of PD, I get to head out for a rumble in the MLK jungle.

The saddest reality, after all the hard work Grizzle and I put into that trail system, nobody will help take responsibility for it. It will just be the same routine during the summer when the "fair weather" rider comes into the shop and asks, "Can you believe the city doesn't take care of the trail?"
If I could bitch slap every person who said that, people would confuse me for PIMP.

Just might as well get some training in for the 2011 season while the trail is still some what ride able. At least I have some good training starting for the next three weeks with two cross races and a mountain bike race.

Wonder what Mushu is doing now?

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