Friday, January 21, 2011


Well the life of grad student is about to begin taking over. Met with my professor today, and we talked about my research project/thesis. The talk went like this...

Prof. "Well I finally was able to start making corrections."

Me: "Cool! (In my head: "Well you said you'd start doing that in December!!!! Fuck!!)

Prof: "You do have a lot we need to correct, and you need to make sure your references are spot on."
Me: Sure thing. (Damn it)

Prof: "Luckily, time is on our side."

Me: "Yeah it is for now." (Would have more time had you done this shit in December!!!)

After that little meeting I realized that my effort in writing is definitely not associated with my ability.

School shit aside, I guess the 2011 season is in its infancy. Last weeks cross race showed me that my body is not in tip top shape (No shit!!). After leading four laps the back decided to shut down, rendering me the ability to pedal a push bike. Looks like I will need to put some training in for the next cross race which is Jan. 30th in the LBK. May also partake in another one the next weekend in Amarillo, which will signal the end of cross season for me.

Once cross is over the JOURNEY OF AWESOMENESS will begin at Sanger, Texas for the Frozen Four at Isle de Bois.

I'll post up the revised schedule next time.

Until than, ride it like you stole it.

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