Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Why Primal? Why Off-road push bike?

When I first started this little website/blog/soapbox to world I knew one of the first questions asked would be about the name.

So WTF is The Primal Cyclist.

Simple, it is about a system of beliefs and lifestyle choices that enable one to obtain the greatest possible level of fitness for themselves. Being primal does not mean rolling in the dirt and eating small game, however that can be fun at times. Especially rolling the dirt. Being primal is about regaining a sense of how your body reacts to movement, nutrition, sleep, and other variables that can affect motor performance.

I'll list you some of my favorite resources if you want any more info.

These resources help to provide me with the best available knowledge to achieve optimal efficiency.

The second question question people would ask is why cycling; more specifically, why mountain biking?

Truth is I owe my life to the bike. When I first re-started riding bikes about four years ago, I was not the best state of mind. Mostly minor bouts of depression, but it was still enough to cause me to feel negative about myself. Well to simply put it, I bought a mountain bike to ride some trails for fun. I rode and I crashed. Many times (12 over the handlebars). After awhile I started to race the mountain bike, and I became addicted to that as well. I also started to see my depression start to get better. So that's one of the many reasons I love the off-road push bike.

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