Friday, February 11, 2011

Trying times

Been awhile since I stepped on my virtual soap box, but there have been some issues to deal with first.

Mainly right now I have sick grandma who has been in the hospital for about the past week and things are bleak right now. However, things do look to be turning around and maybe she could get out of here within the next week or so.

So what has been up with me?

Well currently I am at a cross roads because I have been accepted to ride for Team CF. Though when I saw the jersey for the first time a lead weight sank in my stomach. Not because of the design, but for the amount of times the Big Red S is presented. A total of 10 time for jersey and bibs!


For those that don't know, I loathe the Big Red S because their bikes are not better than Jamis', Scott's, or Siren's. All they do is spend a shit ton of money on marketing and let the little guys innovate for them. Although that is good business strategy, it still is a douche move in my opinion.

And that brings me to the cross road of selling my soul to ride for a cause I believe in. I believe in riding for a cure for CF, because my brothers have it. I do not believe in show casing a company I do not believe in. All of this makes me think that I will not sign, and continue with the privateer gig. I mean it's not like they were going to pay for anything, I just get to buy a jersey for cheaper price.

If you hadn't heard the weather in Lubbock has been the shit (bad kind) for the past two weeks, and has meant for little riding time. But, the weather looks to be turning around now and should lead to much more riding as long as the school work gets done first.

So how is school?

Well I learned that Hell is just a giant data entry for a meta-analysis, and I don't want to go there! The department still cant make up their mind about whether to allow graduate students to produce research projects instead of thesis works. Funny because it's a ton less work, and it helps professors get published more. Though when has TTU ever done something smart?

Well I don't plan on leaving people in the dark for more than 2 or 3 days, but sometimes it happens.

Rubber side down till next time.

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